
  • Students will receive a comprehensive compilation of the NABP's most frequently encountered brand and generic drug listings, inclusive of their corresponding drug classifications and essential key attributes for each medication

  • During the first week, students will explore topics related to renal diseases, hepatitis, immunizations, and diseases associated with travel, with a primary emphasis on assimilating the indispensable knowledge required for successfully passing the NAPLEX examination.

  • During the second week, the curriculum will center on infectious diseases, encompassing drug classifications, bacterial infections, common antifungal and antiviral treatments, opportunistic infections, and the complexities of HIV. Students will be immersed in a comprehensive exploration of these subjects, ensuring they grasp all critical aspects. At the conclusion of each week, students will participate in a quiz to reinforce and evaluate their understanding of the essential points.

  • In the third week, the curriculum will place a concentrated emphasis on all chapters associated with cardiovascular conditions, encompassing dyslipidemia, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, acute coronary syndrome, chronic heart failure, arrhythmias, stroke, anemia, and sickle cell anemia. The primary aim of week three is to rectify any misunderstandings and instill a sense of confidence in students when addressing case-based questions commonly encountered in the NAPLEX examination. To reinforce their understanding of the subjects, students will undergo quizzes covering all pertinent aspects of these topics

  • During the fourth week, the curriculum will pivot towards pulmonary conditions, specifically asthma, COPD, and tobacco cessation, alongside endocrine conditions encompassing diabetes, thyroid disorders, systemic steroids, and autoimmune conditions. The primary objective will be to grasp the intricacies of modifying treatment plans or escalating them in accordance with individual patient profiles, a central focus in NAPLEX examinations. Students will be presented with case-based exam questions to thoroughly prepare them for the NAPLEX.

  • In the fifth week, the curriculum will cover oncology, emphasizing side effect management and common cancer types and treatments. It will also address psychiatric conditions such as depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, ADHD, anxiety disorders, and sleep disorders. Students will receive a comprehensive study packet to aid their NAPLEX preparation.

  • In the sixth week, the curriculum will concentrate on calculations and biostatistics concepts, covering fundamental principles, compounding, and questions related to parenteral nutrition. Students will receive instruction on efficient strategies for solving calculation-based questions. They will also learn key concepts related to calculations and put their knowledge to the test through a 100-question practice exam, applying the skills acquired during the session

  • Lastly, all students will participate in a comprehensive six-hour NAPLEX-based examination consisting of 225 questions. This exam will encompass all the concepts learned over the past six weeks, including calculations and compounding-related questions. The purpose of this assessment is to ensure that all students are thoroughly prepared for the NAPLEX examination and to address any questions or concerns they may have regarding any concept or case-based questions.